Friday, October 24, 2014

BAR CODES—Who Knew They Could Be So CREATIVE?

I saw my first "illustrated" or "designed" bar code last fall, and actually I photographed it and used it in one of my blog posts for GDS108. It was a natural flax seed cereal, and I happened to turn over the box to see the bar code made into the plants that the cereal was made of. I loved it for some reason! It really made me smile, and I thought, "How creative!" Here's a link to my blog post from last year: Previous Blog Post About Cool Bar Code.

Actually, what I really like is this. Here is this ugly thing that has to be on your packaging. We have grown used to seeing bar codes and sort of ignore them, but they do get in the way of the design. So, designers have figured out how you can incorporate the bar code into the art or vice versa. And, the bar code, of course, still has to work. That's what's so cool about this. It may seem like a small thing, but I think it's awesome.

"Barcodes grace almost every product we sell. Considering how much package real estate they command, why shouldn't they be more fun?" Steve Simpson

Here are some other designed/illustrated bar codes for your viewing pleasure. Most of these are from Steve Simpson's portfolio website.

This is my favorite, but there are some others I really like as well.

Love the dragon!

I'm not sure I totally get this one...


Love it!!!

This one is wonderful!

From Steve Simpson's website. Excuse his "French."

So many possibilities!


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