Monday, September 15, 2014


Oreos have been around forEVER. They were my favorite cookie to dunk in milk when I was a kid (well, second to homemade Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies...), and of course there was always the taking apart of the cookie to eat the "icing" first, or whatever. Point is that they really haven't changed, and are, I would imagine, still a favorite of many children as well as some grown up children.

Bright color is something that always catches my eye. This poster series for Oreos definitely did. I saw the instantly recognizable Oreo cookie right away, and I was intrigued to see what else was happening in the posters. Each one has a hand of some kind reaching toward the Oreo which is apparently being held out to take by another kind of hand. They are playful, simple, colorful, and have a positive message, which is that Oreos can bring together even the most unlikely pairs.

I love the illustration style, the colors, the typography, the layout; everything works. It's making something old new again. It's a really creative idea, and the execution is beautifully done. Very appealing to kids and adults alike.

 "The Wonderfilled campaign was created to show people that Oreo is more than just cookies and creme—it's an icon of childlike wonder that can help change people's perspectives for the better. To take the Wonderfilled idea to people at street level, storefronts in Richmond featured posters that showed iconic adversaries—a pirate and an admiral, King Kong and a damsel—coming together over a shared Oreo cookie." (P. 102)

Source: Communication Arts Design Annual 55, September/October 2014, pages 102-103. 

Partial Credits:
Angie Elko/Whitney McCall, designers
Martin Allais, Illustrator
Ben Ely, studio artist
The Martin Agency (Richmond, VA), ad agency
Mondelez International, client

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