Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Guerrilla Marketing is creative and FUN!

I studied guerrilla marketing in my advertising class last fall. It was so fun to see all of the creative, out-of-the-box advertisements, such as this one. What an attention-getter! You simply could not walk past this display without doing a double-take, as this man obviously is. It's so silly, yet effective. You undoubtedly want to find out why this is here, so you look around and then see, "Aha! It's for 96.3 Rock radio station!"

I think it's brilliant. The final project for the advertising class was to come up with five guerrilla marketing ideas, and I had a lot of fun with it. Even though the requirement was to describe them in words, I decided to put my limited Photoshop skills to use and create actual images of what they would look like. Unfortunately, I used low-resolution images from the Internet, so the quality is very poor. The instructor appreciated it, nonetheless!

The main point is that guerrilla marketing ideas are not so easy to generate, and that they can be extremely creative if done well.

Source: Top 8 Most Creative Guerrilla Marketing Campaigns I Have Ever Seen by Melissa Kusiolek, Updated On: June 19, 2014

(However, this image is all over the internet; it's impossible to find out the original source.)

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