Saturday, August 30, 2014

Award Winning Poster Series - Great Hand-Lettered Designs!

This poster series was designed for the Forum Theatre's 2012-2013 season. Designed by Carolyn Sewell who had a limited budget, these posters use the juxtaposition of stock photos with hand-painted lettering.

I really enjoy this kind of hand lettering, and using stock photos—coloring in portions of them in red against the black and white scheme of the rest of the poster—gives them a vintage look as well as being really eye-catching and attractive. While I have no idea what these plays are about, the images chosen are quirky and evoke curiosity. I also like that the only things in red are the Forum logo and the image (or parts of the image). I really like how she placed the photo and painted the lettering where it would fit, changing orientation and size of the letters and words. I looked at some other images on her website, and they are amazing, especially if you like hand-lettering! Check it out here:

Poster Series for the Forum Theatre 2012-2013 Season, 18x24, 4-color, offset

Source and credits:

Communication Arts Typography Annual 4, January/February 2014, p. 92-93.
Online version (you might need a subscription to view):

Carolyn Sewell, designer
Carolyn Sewell Design (Arlington, VA), design firm 
Forum Theatre, client

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